Rituals and Self-Care

Rituals and Self-Care

hand holding incense stick

Rituals. Whether we realize it or not we all have them. If it's going to visit a friend every week or doing that face mask, we all have things that we do regularly. But did you know that rituals, self-care and wellness are strongly linked? Especially when we take the time to be present and mindful. 

  Ritual self-care is the positive and enjoyable habits that help create a healthier lifestyle. And we're not just talking about going on that run. Self-care looks different to everyone and has a powerful impact on our overall well-being. It reminds us that life is about more than just the daily grind of responsibilities, but that even the smallest action can bring joy. But it's all about the intention we put behind it. Even the most mundane tasks can be more enjoyable if we let it. For example, I hate washing dishes, but with a little incense and music, it becomes a much more tolerable experience. 
  Even better, these little rituals not only impact our mental wellness, but our physical selves as well. There are studies that show that rituals can even promote health and healing in our physical selves. It makes sense that we have been practicing different rituals for thousands of years. 
  At Dear Dawcy, this is our whole philosophy. Tiffany Elton, the founder and brains behind the brand, had this to say:
  "I started Dear Dawcy and Ritual Botanicals to create the kind of lifestyle I wanted to live for my own ritual self-care. Making jewellery and self-care products became a form of meditation for me and I found it very healing.
  I use the products in the shop for my own self care, I burn the burning herbs while I’m making things and getting into the creative flow, while mediating, playing music or writing.
  My whole business is set up to provide ritual self-care items to everyone for your own healing self-care and rituals. It could mean many things to many different people. We all heal in different ways. I know that botanicals have been used for healing for thousands of years, all over the world by many cultures whether it’s burning them to cleanse a space or person, aromatherapy, used in a tincture to ingest, absorbed transdermally through the skin in the bath or an oil or in a tea. 
  We also know that in neuroscience, encouraging the neural pathways to fire and wire together is healing and things like meditation, relaxation, burning herbs and taking ritual baths, having a regular time in your sacred space and even setting up your sacred space, to journal and set intentions, writing down your own rituals in your grimoire, following the phases of the moon, enjoying nature is very healing not just spiritually, but for your brain and whole body systems as well.
  I wanted to have access to tools for my own self care, and it snowballed into my business. I’ve spent years researching different healing modalities for myself and I wanted to share it. I lost the ability to create for years in my healing journey but when it came back I knew I was on the right path. It’s all about ritual self care."
  So, burn those herbs, take that bath, dance naked in the woods (we don't judge), your body and mind will thank you. 
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